As the saying goes, change is as good as rest. I attended a leavers’ bash in which we tried to take into account the changes that happened in our lives within the few years that we spent together.
People had acquired a very different perspective of looking at life. Some people who used to care so much about certain things stopped giving a damn about them. Campus life had taught them the things that really matters in life.

As you go through campus, you will meet the following kinds of characters who are likely to transform your life for good.

1) The Complete Jokers
These guys believe that there is no need of being too serious in life. However serious you are, you will never come out of life alive. These are unique kinds of people you meet in campus who teach you how to enjoy life without caring too much. Some jokers never make it to the graduation day while others will even go on to pursue masters and PhD with the same caring carelessly attitude.

2) The Critics
This is another category of unique kinds of people you meet in campus who are bent on criticizing everything about you. Whatever you do or say, these guys will always be there to make fun of you and show you how wrong you are. Although you need to ignore them sometimes, they could be helpful in some cases. The good thing about them is that they view you in 6D version. They could therefore help you notice a few flaws about yourself that you could change and become better.

3) Business Partners
There is another post that we wrote sometime back on the 6 world largest companies started by university students in dorms, hostels and garages. Did you notice something common with the students who founded these companies?
Almost all of these companies were started by two university guys working together. Be on the lookout for guys you can work with to come up with world changing ideas.
Your business partner could be good in coming up with unique business ideas or fine-tuning your ideas to make them better.
Do brainstorming with them and you could be the next guys to come up with a great invention.

4) Potential Spouses
These are another category of unique kinds of people you meet in campus who will change your life for good. Although the idea of getting a spouse in campus may be the last thing on your mind, you could come across an amazing person and decide to seal the deal. Don’t burry yourself in books completely my friend. Look around sometimes.

5) The Risk Takers
These are the kinds of guys who are too daring. Somebody will do a CAT with a very huge textbook. They can even place it on top of the table without any problem despite the fact that such an offence can lead to expulsion.
The risk takers are so lucky they are rarely caught. They teach you how to remain composed as you take serious risks in life.

6) The Spirituals
These are the kind of people who utilizes any opportunity that arises to preach to you. They give you hope when the going gets tough and you get the courage to move on.

7) The Submarines
These people operate below the waters. You can easily forget their names. Even when moving around, they cannot be detected by the radar since they move like the drones.You will know very little about their lives. These guys teach you how to remain silent and do your work.

*Is there another category of guys in your University that we have forgotten? Feel free to share with us.
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